Here we have discuss about WCED Online Application 2026: How to apply for Grade R, 1, and 8 in the Western Cape, Required Documents etc.
The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has opened the application process for grades R, 1 and 8 for the 2026 academic year. The WCED Admissions application will open on Tuesday and close on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. WCED gives parents just 35 days to submit their children’s Western Cape school applications.
Thousands of learners are eager to study in schools in the Western Cape in 2025. They can apply for WCED school admissions for Classes R, 1 and 8 for 2026.
Eligibility Requirements for WCED Admission
- Children /Learner must be 6 years old in the year they enter Grade R and seven years old for Grade 1.
- Children must be a South African resident.
- Learns also can be Foreigners, but they need to provide the private documentation such as passports or permits.
Required Documents:
- Identity document (ID) or birth certificate of Children’s/learner
- For foreign learners/students: You need to provide Passport or a copy of a parent’s refugee/asylum seeker permit
- If the learner’s parents are foreigners but the learner was born in South Africa: you need to provide handwritten birth certificate (DHA-19 form)
- If the learner was not born in South Africa: you need to provide a passport or a refugee/asylum seeker permit issued in the learner’s name
- Immunisation card or Road to Health chart necessary (for pre-primary and primary schools)
- Recent official school or academic report
- Proof of residence (e.g. rates account, lease agreement, or an affidavit made at a police station confirming residence)
Note: If any of these documents are not available then the parents will have to submit a police affidavit in place of the lost document.
WCED Admission Application 2026
WCED confirmed that they facilitate this WCED Admission Application process, but individual schools manage their own admissions based on their own policies and the South African Schools Act, so the department cannot guarantee placements.
The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) cannot guarantee placement at schools of choice.
All parents are encouraged by WCED to apply to three schools, including the school closest to their residence, which greatly increases the chances of securing a place for the child. However, the department does not have a specified feeder zone.
Parents are reminded that no school demands a fee before accepting a learner.
Information on the appeal process for WCED Admissions 2025/2026 school year will be announced at the end of May 2025 and parents will be informed of the outcome of their application.
How to Apply for WCED online application?
The application must be submitted online and all required documents must be scanned and uploaded to the zero-rated online admission system. However, you can follow the admission portal, background information and step-by-step guide on the Western Cape Education Admissions Portal.
Steps to apply for WCED ONLINE ADMISSIONS:
- Go to the WCED website portal through given link.
- Register your account as Parents, click on Parent Register.
- Once you complete the registration, please click on Parent Login.
- After login you account, please select the instruction and fill out the application form.
- Upload or Attached required documents.
- Click on Submit button.
WCED Admission Deadline:
- The online application period for Grades R, 1 and 8 11 March -15 April 2025.
- However, you can apply at any of our education district offices or at any school.
- Grades 2-7 and 9-12 (Transfer Request) will be from 04 to 18 August 2025.
- Hard copy of WCED Application Form will be available on this official website under ‘Resources’ and to the fishermen and districts.
- Learners in exit grades (highest grade reached, will be accommodated).